Inside Out: Confronting Ourselves, Encountering Each Other, Transforming Our World
Join us for virtual small-group discussions on how challenging events this year- from the COVID-19 pandemic to social and political changes- have increased the need for self-examination, engagement with one another, and active responses to the changing world around us.
The mission behind these events is to facilitate open and respectful dialogue in a welcoming atmosphere. During these challenging and often divisive times, it is imperative to listen to each other and learn from one another.
Series Dates:
Confronting Ourselves: December 3, 2020
Encountering Each Other: January 7, 2021
Transforming Our World: February 4, 2021
Time for all events: 7:00 PM
Though not required, we encourage participation in all 3 sessions
Missed the first two sessions? No problem! Everyone is welcome to join session 3: “Transforming Our World” on February 4!
Reservations are required: Click HERE to reserve your spot for session 3: “Transforming Our World”
Presented by: