Temple Mount Sinai and El Paso Holocaust Museum & Study Center present:
Educating the Enemy:
Teaching Nazis & Mexicans in the Cold War Borderlands
A Talk with the Author: Jonna Perrillo
Thursday – March 3, 2022
6:30 PM
Temple Mount Sinai
4408 N. Stanton St.
Educating the Enemy begins with the 144 children of Nazi scientists who moved to El Paso in 1946 as part of Operation Paperclip and compares their privileged educational experience with the educational disadvantages faced by Mexican American students living in the same city.
Jonna Perrillo is an associate professor of English education at the University of Texas at El Paso. She is also the author of Uncivil Rights: Teachers, Students, and the Battle for School Equity, published by the University of Chicago Press.
Purchase your copy before or during event:
Literarity Book Shop – 5411 N. Mesa – (915) 307-4760
RSVP: Temple Mount Sinai: (915) 532-5959