Special Exhibition


Opening Reception:

Tuesday, November 15

6:00 PM


El Paso Holocaust Museum

715 N. Oregon


The exhibition Let Me Be Myself – The Life Story of Anne Frank shows the story of Anne
Frank from her birth in 1929 up to her death in the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in 1945.
The exhibition is also dedicated to stories of young people today: their perseverance
through struggles & challenges; the ongoing impact of prejudice, exclusion, and discrimination on youth today; and how we can all respond to current injustices as Upstanders.

Exhibition runs through February 14, 2023


To RSVP for Opening Reception: 915-351-0048 / admin@elpasoholocaustmuseum.org 


Let Me Be Myself: The Life Story of Anne Frank is sponsored in North America by the University of South Caroline and the Anne Frank Center. It was developed by the Anne Frank House. 


Provided by a grant from Jewish El Paso